Description: Reviewed 84 patents for observability and ease of investigation in a patent matter between two major data communications vendors. Prepared a report.
Client: Confidential Client
Project: Dialing Plan Patent Matter
Description: Evaluated three patents for alleged infringement. Prepared documentation regarding the definition of terms. Testified at a Markman Hearing in Federal Court. Prepared a pre-trial report for the court. The matter favorably settled for my client.
Client: Cantel
Project: IT Procurement and Reengineering
Description: Performed an in-depth audit and review of an internal multimillion dollar software development program for a new customer acquisition, care, and billing system for the executive management of CANTEL, the largest Canadian cellular carrier, and recommended its cancellation. Supported the CIO in the procurement of a new system, reengineering of IT processes, and the reorganization and redirection of the IT department.
Client: Cooperative Communications
Project: Cooperative Board of Directors
Description: Member of the Board of Directors of Cooperative Communications, a CLEC and interexchange carrier.
Description: Performed a Level 1 Review of a wireless network management patent for a major local exchange carrier.
Client: Confidential Client
Project: Networking Technology Briefing and Forecast
Description: Provided a comprehensive networking technology briefing and forecast to hedge fund analysts
Client: Confidential Client
Project: Cellular Telephone Tax Relevance Analysis & Value Estimation
Description: As an expert, developed technical arguments that cellular service is subject to a gross revenue tax and calculated the back tax owed by cellular carriers for two Missouri cities v several cellular carriers. Prepared reports for the court and was deposed. The cases settled before trial.
Client: TAEUS
Project: Wireless Video Voicemail Patent Review
Description: Performed a Level 1 review of a patent where video is interleaved into the voice message stream.
Client: TAEUS
Project: Answering Machine Patent Review
Description: Performed a Level 1 review of a wireless answering system patent.
Client: Confidential Client
Project: Wireless Backhaul Market Assessment
Description: Provided a summary of the wireless backhaul market for a financial institution. This included spectrum allocation, applications, and competitive pressures.