Project: Pioneering CLEC Design and Implementation
Description: Conceived, designed, and implemented WESDIN, the world's first integrated synchronous network, first all digital network, and first CLEC for Westinghouse Communications. The network included circuit, data, and packet switching; cable TV based, fiber, microwave, and satellite transmission; and a network management center; voice messaging; and email; and video links.
Client: Westinghouse Electric
Project: Westinghouse WESDIN Operations Manual Development
Description: Conceived and was technical director for the development of the operations manual for WESDIN, the world's first integrated synchronous digital network and first CLEC. The ops manual provided the practices and procedures by which WESDIN was operated.
Client: Massachusetts Port Authority
Project: Massport Integrated Office System Procurement and Implementation
Description: Directed the planning, development, and implementation of an integrated office information system for Massport. The system included fully network desktop functions to all information workers. This system changed the processes by which Massport did business. This was the first corporate-wide implementation of an integrated desktop system.
Client: Coopers and Lybrand
Project: Coopers and Lybrand Email Network Design and Implementation
Description: Designed and implemented a corporate-wide email network for Coopers and Lybrand. This included implementing the service and provisioning terminals in offices.
Client: GTE Corp
Project: GTE Consultant Liaison Program Development
Description: Consultant to GTE for the development of its consultant relations program.