Project: Professional Office Premise Distribution Planning
Description: Evaluated the voice and data networking and cabling requirements for the law firm of Burnstein, Shur, and Nelson and recommended an approach.
Client: Mobil Oil
Project: Mobil Oil Data Network Requirements Evaluation
Description: Evaluated the LAN and enterprise network management requirements for Mobil Oil.
Client: City of Houston
Project: Houston Data Network Oversight
Description: Reviewed the plan for the development and implementation of a data, voice, and public safety communications network for the City of Houston, Texas.
Description: Prepared the Nuclear Regulatory Commission required Communications Requirements Document so the Seabrook (NH) Nuclear Power Station could receive its NRC license. This document included the power station's requirements for voice and data telecommunications, radio communications, PA systems, and sound powered telephones.
Client: Georgia-Pacific
Project: Georgia-Pacific IT Restructuring
Description: Consultant to the CIO of a Fortune 50 company for telecommunications strategic planning as well as managing the planning, engineering, and implementation of new systems and services including recabling all corporate facilities, re-negotiation of IXC and LEC networking contracts, installation of a corporate data network, installation of a network management center, and installation of a FDDI ring at corporate headquarters as well as reengineering of processes within the IT department.
Client: Tufts Associated Health Plans
Project: TAHP Relocation Cost Analysis
Description: Identified the business issues, technical issues, and costs faced by TAHP if it split its operations between two locations.
Client: Tufts Associated Health Plans
Project: TAHP IT and Networking Reengineering
Description: Developed the data communications strategic plan and identified the strategic communications and data processing hardware, software, and management issues so TAHP's MIS department could reengineer its operations. This was an early implementation of the use of Ethernet LAN technology in the health care industry and greatly reduced paper flow and improved employee efficiency.
Client: Cooperative Communications
Project: Cooperative New Business Area Evaluations
Description: Developed new strategies to provide services that are independent of the embedded local exchange carrier (Verizon) as well as new services.