Description: Member of the organizing committee and publications co-chair for the IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments, WiSEE13, WISEE14, & WISEE15. This IEEE sponsored international conference focuses on the use of wireless communications in space and extreme environments. Speakers and attendees are from around the globe.
Client: CANEUS
Project: 2010 and 2011 Fly-By-Wireless Conference Publication Chair
Description: Publication chair for the 2010 and 2011 CANEUS Fly-by-Wireless Conference. This international conference brings together technical staff in the field of using wireless communications in aircraft and space.
Client: GTE Corp
Project: Military Communications Network Management
Description: Developed network control requirements for several secure military command and control communications networks, including red/black network control communications as well as the monitor and control requirements.
Client: GTE Corp
Project: Multiplex Specifications and Engineering
Description: Engineered the system requirements for a family of digital multiplexes for the Tri-Tac military communications network.
Client: TAEUS
Project: Network Security Patent Review
Description: Performed a Level 1 review of two intelligent network security device patents where the device looks for code patterns of behavior assigning a value to the perceived attempted breaches.
Client: 3COM
Project: Consultant Liaison Program Development
Description: Consultant to 3COM for the development of its consultant relations program.
Client: TAEUS
Project: VoIP Patent Analysis
Description: Reviewed 7 VoIP patents and identified their market applicability.
Client: TAEUS
Project: Purchase and Sale Contract Dispute Expert
Description: Analyzed a purchase and sale agreement regarding data center products for potential breaches. Opined in a report for the court that no breach occurred and was deposed.