Client: TAEUS
Project: Data Communications Patent Review
Description: Reviewed 84 patents for observability and ease of investigation in a patent matter between two major data communications vendors. Prepared a report.
Description: Reviewed 84 patents for observability and ease of investigation in a patent matter between two major data communications vendors. Prepared a report.
Description: Performed fundamental research into the linear estimation of timing parameters. Developed a new solution for a Fredholm Equation.
Description: Evaluated the technical merit for a major data communications product and network vendor to acquire an integrated voice-data switch manufacturer. The evaluation identified a major timing and synchronization switch performance issue that reduced the acquisition's value by over 25%.
Description: Performed a competitive market analysis for a start up, Analog Solutions, to enter the timing and synchronization telecommunications equipment market.
Description: Diagnosed synchronization and echo cancellation faults in Donnelley's satellite network. Worked with the carrier to correct the issues.