Project: Mobil Oil Data Network Requirements Evaluation
Description: Evaluated the LAN and enterprise network management requirements for Mobil Oil.
Client: Georgia State University
Project: Data Networking Course Development
Description: Consulted to Georgia State University for the development of a four-term data networking program.
Client: Tufts Associated Health Plans
Project: TAHP Relocation Cost Analysis
Description: Identified the business issues, technical issues, and costs faced by TAHP if it split its operations between two locations.
Client: Georgia-Pacific
Project: Georgia-Pacific IT Restructuring
Description: Consultant to the CIO of a Fortune 50 company for telecommunications strategic planning as well as managing the planning, engineering, and implementation of new systems and services including recabling all corporate facilities, re-negotiation of IXC and LEC networking contracts, installation of a corporate data network, installation of a network management center, and installation of a FDDI ring at corporate headquarters as well as reengineering of processes within the IT department.
Client: Tufts Associated Health Plans
Project: TAHP IT Reorganization Plan Development
Description: Developed the justification for and plan by which TAHP merged its voice communications organization into its MIS Data Networking organization.
Client: Chicopee Electric Light Department
Project: Chicopee CLEC Business Plan Development
Description: Evaluated the interest of telecommunications partners for Chicopee (ELD) and recommended it proceed with developing telecommunications as a business with a partner. Solicited proposals from prospective partners, evaluated the responses and recommended a vendor to the municipal light department. Strategies included resale of services, partnering, and overbuilding using FTTN, FTTC, and FTTH.
Client: Middleboro Gas and Electric
Project: Middleboro CLEC Business Plan Development and Implementation
Description: Evaluated business strategies and developed a business plan for Middleboro (MA) Gas and Electric to enter the telecommunications business, selected a telecommunications partner, developed a marketing strategy, supported development of a legal strategies to develop the business, and provided management guidance to the roll out services. Strategies included resale of services, partnering, and overbuilding using FTTN, FTTC, and FTTH.
Client: Littleton ELD
Project: Littleton ELD CLEC Business Plan Evaluation and Implementation
Description: Evaluated previous telecommunications business development plans for the Littleton (MA) Electric Light Department; directed the procurement of partnering arrangements with vendors; evaluated vendors' responses; and negotiated contracts with them to develop telecommunications as a business area for the municipal light department.
Description: Determined and evaluated the functional capabilities of the network management systems of the five major IXCs. This resulted in a major revision of ATT's network management capabilities.
Client: Hudson Light and Power
Project: Hudson Light and Power CLEC Business Plan Executive Guidance
Description: Provided management guidance to Hudson Light and Power as it procured a telecommunications partner with which to develop a telecommunications business. Alternatives evaluated included services resale, overbuilding with fiber, and partnering with another firm.